Cosmetic Dentistry

A beautiful smile is a key ingredient in a person’s confidence. Your smile is very important in your social and professional relationships. Cosmetic dentistry works to create stunning restorations that will not only improve your appearance, but will enhance the function, strength and longevity of your teeth.

Dr. DeVese, a cosmetic dentist in Westerville, is proud to offer a variety of treatments that will transform stained, worn, gapped or crooked teeth into a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

If you need more information about Cosmetic Dentistry in Westerville, contact us today.


Veneers are made of strong, stain-resistant material. Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are attached to the front of teeth in order to improve the tooth’s appearance. Veneers restore the appearance of teeth without extensive surgery.


Lumineers are super-thin laminates that are applied to the teeth. They can last decades and increase the aesthetic quality of your smile.


Bonding is a process designed to close gaps between teeth. By applying and hardening a resin, your Westerville cosmetic dentist is able to reduce or close gaps between teeth.


Contouring is a service conducted by a cosmetic dentist to enhance the look of your teeth. If you have chips, cracks of deformities in your teeth, your dentist can reshape, resize and rebuild your teeth.

Ceramic Crowns

Crowns can now be completed in one session, acheiving a finished, appealing look in just one day. This process eliminates the need for temporary restorations that would otherwise be necessary between treatments.


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